May 25, 2021 | EdSource

Given how many kindergartners struggled with remote learning this year and the many families who opted out of kindergarten during the pandemic, experts say it’s likely a lot of children might need to play catch-up this summer before heading into...

May 24, 2021 | Nation of Change

Last month, many disappointed applicants to the University of California received rejection letters, thousands of them, with 250,000 competing for 46,000 spots. Mary McNamara, writing in the Los Angeles Times, voiced the dismay of parents whose qualified kids got turned...

May 14, 2021 | Voices of San Diego

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez’s bill to address learning loss suffered by students learning virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic has had some ups and downs: When she first introduced the measure, she told VOSD, “No one wants me to do this bill.”...