Understanding California's High School Dropouts
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The Partnership for Urban Education Research (PUER) comprises six of California's largest urban school districts working together to increase data availability, enhance internal research capacity, and promote collaboration and information sharing across district lines to benefit students. In a new report, PUER districts identified opportunities to improve the current dropout reporting system and reviewed district efforts to reduce dropout rates. PUER is working with PACE to review and publish their research.


This report examines the critical role played by California Community Colleges in extending college opportunity to all, as envisioned in the 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education. However, the foundation of this longstanding commitment has eroded, and renewed commitment to college opportunity is urgently needed in the knowledge-based, global economy. The report calls for action from educational, governmental, philanthropic, and civic leaders to renew and extend opportunities to shape California's future.
New Education Policies
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Senior slump is a phenomenon unique to American high schools, where students view senior year as a time for nonacademic pursuits. This report suggests curtailing senior slump to add valuable months to students' education at a critical point in their intellectual development. Policy directives are presented to help American high schools reclaim the senior year.
A Synthesis of Evaluations


The PACE report commissioned by the University of California aims to enhance university participation by disadvantaged and underrepresented students. It reviews evaluations of current outreach programs, identifies effective practices, and makes recommendations for program improvement and evaluation methods. The report analyzes the effectiveness of college preparation programs and suggests essential principles for program design. It also examines how to improve evaluations of outreach programs and the implications for policy decisions on future outreach efforts.