A Report of the California Task Force on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards


The California Task Force on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, consisting of educators, administrators, parents, and officials, deliberated for eight months on how a national voluntary certification system can impact California's education landscape. They explored questions on the standards, assessment methods, incentives, and potential benefits for teachers, students, and communities. The report aims to start a dialogue and encourage continued improvement in California's schools.
A New Strategy for Linking Research and Practice
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The US faces critical challenges in education, such as incorporating disadvantaged students and preparing them for a competitive, tech-driven work environment. To meet these challenges, reform efforts are underway. Despite claims that educational research has produced few applicable findings, it has contributed by changing how policymakers and practitioners think about problems. The National Academy of Education argues that implementing broad-based reforms without adequate research will fail. Research must play an important role in meeting these challenges.