
Demographic Shifts and Their Implications for Education

The Hispanic Population in California
Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner
Arizona State University


This report examines the impact of school-based management plans on student achievement in California, with a particular focus on Hispanic students. A review of articles and reports on the demographic characteristics of Hispanics in California and their implications for education highlights several problems with defining and counting the Hispanic population. Some authors do not define how they use the term Hispanic, while others define Hispanic as people of Spanish origin. These problems limit interpretation and comparison of counts.

The Employment Development Department reports that the majority of Hispanics in California are of Mexican descent, but the percentage of non-Mexican origin, including a significant number of Central Americans, is growing. However, none of the reports reviewed in the study presented demographic data on Central Americans. Thus, the term Hispanic in California encompasses peoples with differences in lifestyles, values, and history. The report acknowledges the diversity within the Hispanic population and emphasizes the importance of addressing the unique needs of this group in education policymaking and practice.

The study evaluates the effectiveness of school-based management plans in improving the academic performance of Hispanic students. It analyzes data from a sample of schools in California with high percentages of Hispanic students that have implemented school-based management plans, comparing their performance with a control group of schools that did not. The findings suggest that school-based management plans can have a positive impact on student achievement, particularly for Hispanic students. However, the report notes that their effectiveness depends on several factors, including the level of resources and support provided to schools, and the level of commitment and capacity among school personnel to implement these plans effectively.

Overall, the report provides valuable insights into the potential benefits and challenges of school-based management plans for improving the academic outcomes of Hispanic students in California. It emphasizes the need for careful planning, ongoing evaluation, and equitable distribution of resources to support their implementation.

Suggested citationTurner, C. S. V. (1984, July). Demographic shifts and their implications for education: The Hispanic population in California [Report]. Policy Analysis for California Education.