Neal Finkelstein

Neal Finkelstein
Neal Finkelstein
Senior Research Scientist,

Neal Finkelstein is a senior research scientist and director of the Innovation Studies Program at WestEd. His work focuses on connecting research, practice, and policy across K–12 and higher education systems. He works nationally on education evaluations and their implications for education systems and policy design. Finkelstein's current research includes high school completion patterns and the transition to postsecondary education; middle school mathematics teaching and learning; diagnostic uses of school-based data systems; school governance systems; and educational productivity. Prior to joining WestEd, Finkelstein served as director of educational outreach research and evaluation for the University of California Office of the President and was senior program officer for the National Research Council. He received his PhD in education policy and management from the University of California, Berkeley.

updated 2018

Publications by Neal Finkelstein
Child Care and Development Services for Children and Families—Phase III Final Report, Part 1
Phase III was designed to further analyze the preliminary recommendations and to utilize the assistance of childcare and development community to re­design childcare and development policy. Professional judgment and experience was sought from…
Results of the PACE 1996 Poll
In February 1996, PACE conducted a statewide poll on Californians' views on and expectations for the public schools. In particular, the poll was designed to gain insight into the alignment of the public's views with current directions in education…
Child Care and Development Services for Children and Families—Phase II Final Report Executive Summary
The Phase II final report of the California Cares Project undertaken by PACE for the California Department of Education (CDE), California Department of Social Services (CDSS ), and the Office of Child Development and Education, cul­minates the…
Child Care and Development Services for Children and Families—Phase I Final Report
PACE was selected to conduct this study under an interagency agreement with the California Depart­ment of Education, California Department of Social Services, and the Governor's Office of Child Devel­opment and Education. PACE's task is to analyze…